Official Post Number Five
"Smokin' Aces"
-Sam Leishman
Here are four movies that I want to see before the Oscars air: The Queen, Babel, The Last King of Scotland, and Pan's Labyrinth.
All of these are currently playing. But today, as I was looking through all the movie times, and deciding between these four, I came upon Smokin' Aces, the movie with one of the best trailers I've seen in a long time. (note: I don't decide on seeing movies because of what their trailers look like, unless it's undeniable that I'm going to enjoy the movie because the trailers just got too many good clips to deny it)
Smokin' Aces is a movie that fits into this new genre of Hollywood, where no single shot can last more than 2.8 seconds, and a million things have to be going on at once. And there's got to be a cast that holds every single famous-but-not-as-famous as-the-really-famous-people-except-for-Ben-Affleck. And Affleck's role is strictly supporting. He seems to do better that way.
I went into this movie knowing it wasn't going to affect me emotionally or tell me anything new about life, except perhaps that it is possible to compile the following things into one movie:
-10-12 contract killers, three of them neo-nazis, two lesbians, one insane torture freak, one stealthy smart-as-hell balding guy, and three guys who have no idea what they're in for. And there might be more. I can't remember.
-a cokehead bleeding out of his eyes.
-a sniper rifle that slams people all the way to the other side of a room on impact.
-a chainsaw coming to life via bullet behind someone's back.
-an A.D.D. child dancing around in his underwear, practicing his kung fu.
-not one, but two elevator shootouts
just check out the trailer, and tell me you aren't the least bit interested.
i went in because i wanted cheap entertainment, and because a lot of the time stylized action=good movie. That's probably not the case here, but it was still entertaining, and I was not disappointed.
I really like how consistent you are with your posting. Again, I think man-and-medium have met.
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